Mastering the Unseen Advanced Techniques for Champions

August 21, 2023

In the world of League of Legends, true mastery goes beyond the basics. Every champion has hidden depths, allowing skilled summoners to unleash powerful combinations and tactics that can turn the tide of battles. In this post, we'll delve into advanced techniques for a selection of champions, revealing the intricacies that can elevate your gameplay and leave your opponents awestruck on the Summoner's Rift.

1. Mastering the Art of Shadows: Zed

a. The "Triple Q" Combo: The Triple Q is a high-damage combo that requires perfect timing. Start by casting your Living Shadow (W), then use your ultimate (R) on your target. Immediately swap to your Living Shadow with W, then cast your standard Q (Razor Shuriken). Follow up with a shadow Q (Razor Shuriken) for a flurry of blades that can obliterate unsuspecting enemies.

b. Juking with Shadows: Use your Living Shadow to create unpredictable movement patterns. By dashing to your shadow and swapping places, you can confuse enemies and escape skillshots, turning the tables in your favor.

2. Embrace the Eternal Dual Blades: Yasuo

a. Airblade Combo: The Airblade is a flashy technique that maximizes your damage output. After casting your Last Breath (R) ultimate, quickly use your Steel Tempest (Q) ability to launch a tornado. Dash through your target with your E ability to execute the ultimate while your tornado is mid-flight, resulting in a devastating combo.

b. Beyblade Combo: The Beyblade maneuver is a surprise engage tactic. Cast your Steel Tempest (Q) tornado, then immediately use your Last Breath (R) ultimate on an enemy. The tornado will travel with you, allowing you to launch it even while in the air.

3. A Symphony of Arrows: Ashe

a. Volley + Auto Attack Reset: Combine Ashe's Volley (W) ability with an auto attack for a quick burst of damage. Cast Volley, then immediately issue a basic attack command to cancel the animation and fire an arrow at an impressive speed.

b. Hawkshot Vision Trick: Use Ashe's Hawkshot (E) ability to scout enemies in fog of war. Launch the ability towards a specific location, then quickly recast it to gain an instant burst of vision, revealing hidden enemies.

4. Manipulating the Tide: Nami

a. Aqua Prison Combo: Nami's Aqua Prison (Q) ability can be enhanced with her ultimate, Tidal Wave (R). Cast Aqua Prison, then immediately cast Tidal Wave to knock up enemies, making it easier to land the stun.

b. Ebb and Flow Bounce Mechanics: Nami's Ebb and Flow (W) ability can bounce between allies and enemies. Use this to your advantage by targeting an enemy near a low-health ally, allowing the ability to heal your ally while damaging the enemy.

5. Precision in the Storm: Jhin

a. Fourth Shot and Q Synergy: Jhin's fourth auto attack deals bonus damage based on the target's missing health. Use your Dancing Grenade (Q) ability to soften up enemies, then finish them off with the enhanced fourth shot.

b. Deadly Curtain Call Snipes: Jhin's ultimate, Curtain Call (R), can be used to secure distant kills. Pay attention to enemy health bars and predict their movements to line up devastating shots across the map.

Elevate Your Gameplay

These advanced techniques are the secret keys to unlocking the full potential of your favorite champions. By mastering these strategies, combos, and tactics, you'll stand as a beacon of skill and precision on the Summoner's Rift. Embrace the challenge, refine your execution, and prepare to showcase the true mastery of champions that can outshine even the brightest stars in the League of Legends universe.

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Written by Daddy Leona A Leauge of Legends player who loves leona